VENDOR: Velvet Light

Velvet Light Spacelite Hilite Kit for VS2X2 and VP2X2

$845.00 $785.85

The Hilite Spacekit for VL2x2 LED Light contains a large diffused (Hilite) cylinder that hangs overhead and creates a pool of soft ambient light.

Sold By: Velvet Light


The Hilite Spacekit for VL2x2 LED Light from VELVETlight contains a large diffused (Hilite) cylinder that hangs overhead and creates a pool of soft ambient light. The kit includes the cylinder, a target, two metal rings, and four brackets with screws.

Key Features
  • For Wide Ambient Illumination
  • 1 x Hilite Cylinder
  • 1 x Hilite Target
  • 2 x Metal Rings
  • 4 x Brackets


Velvet Light

Ordering Info

Minimum Order Fee: None

Dropship Fee: None

Sales Tax: Tax will be added if this item is shipped to the following states: CA, GA, NV


All items ship directly from the manufacturer.

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