VENDOR: Velvet Light

Velvet Light DopChoice Snapbag Softbox for VM3

$699.00 $650.07

Use this DoPchoice SnapBag Softbox to soften the output of your Mini 3’s bright LEDs. It also helps reduce contrast and opens shadows for greater detail.

Sold By: Velvet Light


Use this DoPchoice SnapBag Softbox from VELVETlight to soften the output of your Mini 3’s bright LEDs. It also helps reduce contrast and opens shadows for greater detail.

Key Features: 

  • Softens Output from the Bright LEDs
  • Reduces Contrast, Opens Shadows
  • Includes Transport Bag


Velvet Light

Ordering Info

Minimum Order Fee: None

Dropship Fee: None

Sales Tax: Tax will be added if this item is shipped to the following states: CA, GA, NV


All items ship directly from the manufacturer.

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