VENDOR: Velvet Light

Velvet Light 1/2 Diffuser for VMP1

$48.00 $44.64

The 1/2 Optic Diffuser for Mini 1 Power from VELVETlight softens the light quality of the bright LEDs, opens shadows, and lowers contrast.

Sold By: Velvet Light


The 1/2 Optic Diffuser for Mini 1 Power from VELVETlight softens the light quality of the bright LEDs, opens shadows, and lowers contrast. The larger the number (1/4, 1/2, Full, etc.), the more light it absorbs.

Key Features: 

  • Softens Light Quality of Bright LEDs
  • Opens Shadows, Lowers Contrast


Velvet Light

Ordering Info

Minimum Order Fee: None

Dropship Fee: None

Sales Tax: Tax will be added if this item is shipped to the following states: CA, GA, NV


All items ship directly from the manufacturer.

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