VENDOR: Robert Juliat

Robert Juliat SpotMe Server Package

$18,510.00 $17,584.50

SpotMe is a modern answer to complement followspot technology, designed to serve designers creativity with a special care for the artistic aspects.

Sold By: Robert Juliat


Robert Juliat SpotMe consists of sensors mounted on tripod and followspot, and a server. Taking its lead simply and efficiently from the movements of a Robert Juliat followspot, SpotMe is able to produce tracking information in real-time, with no emitters or cameras on stage or performers. SpotMe generates high-quality positional data, calculated through advanced algorithms, to communicate with any console or devices using PosiStageNet standard. The console can then coordinate the identical movements of other fixtures in the rig, even conventional fixtures with no feedback capability.

Robert Juliat SpotMe works well in coordinating moving lights, whatever their number, with the movement initiated by the followspot, at any time of the show. With a fast and easy setup, SpotMe enables a wide range of effects, creating multiple backlights and bringing DMX information to static lights, all the data coming from a single source. SpotMe is the perfect device to be added to existing followspots. It combines hightechnology and human control over the lighting design and operation at the same time.

Package Includes: SpotMe server + 2 sensor cables + flight case


Robert Juliat



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Ordering Info

Minimum Order Fee: None

Dropship Fee: None

Sales Tax: Tax will be added if this item is shipped to the following states: CA, NJ, TX, MO, PA


All items ship directly from the manufacturer.

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