Astera FP5 8x NYX LED Bulbs Set with PowerStation
Set of 8 NYX Bulbs with PowerStation, Case and Accessories.
Comes with 8 NYX Bulbs, 1 PowerStation, 8 CupBouncers, 8 USB cables, 1 x 48VDC PSU.
$1,440.00 $1,296.00
Set of 8 NYX Bulbs with PowerStation, Case and Accessories.
Sold By: Astera
Astera FP5 8x NYX LED Bulbs Set with PowerStation
Set of 8 NYX Bulbs with PowerStation, Case and Accessories.
Comes with 8 NYX Bulbs, 1 PowerStation, 8 CupBouncers, 8 USB cables, 1 x 48VDC PSU.
Minimum Order Fee: None
Dropship Fee: None
Sales Tax: Tax will be added if this item is shipped to the following states: All 50 States