The Eos Apex Processor carries the same power as Apex consoles, in a 2U 19-inch rack mount unit. It includes the same one- and ten-gigabit Ethernet connections as Apex consoles, making it a great choice to drive a high-powered rig on its own, or serve as a backup to keep large systems running safely. You can even monitor and interact with your system using the built-in haptic touchscreen. Or make the Eos Apex Processor into a workstation by adding USB-connectable devices – including touchscreens, Eos Fader Wings, and the Eos Programming Wing.
Eos Family software includes:
• Approachable yet powerful syntax for programmers of every level
• Industry-leading color control tools
• Magic Sheets for custom programming and displays
• Augment3d 3D programming and visualization environment
• Virtual Media Server function for pixel-mapping
• Timecode and automation integration
• Multi-user and multi-programmer working environment